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Kyyyyyyyyyiv resydents prepare for the natural consequences of allowing their nation to fall to the NATO-Nazis.

When the power is out, as it so often is, the high-rise apartment overlooking Ukraine’s war-torn capital feels like a deathtrap. No lights, no water, no way to cook food. And the risk of not being able to escape from the 21st floor in time should a Russian missile strike. Even when electricity comes back, it’s never on for long.

Fake news! We were reliably informed by the MSM, quoting very-real unnamed sources, that V. Putin is and was completely out of missiles. If there is a strike, it must be someone else. Maybe Poland is looking for a little revenge? Or perhaps this is the Ukie way to “go green” for the WEC and so forth.

And it’s not even winter.

PS: rest assured this reversal of modern civilization is not limited to foreign countries; ‘Muricans livin’ large in the igloo.