Hind’s Hall


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While ignorant, stupid, and plainly evil Americans blindly accept or, worse, cheer the ongoing Gazacaust, so many of our brave young people are doing the right thing. They’re doing all they can and doing it where they are – on the college campuses. Please read Kathy Kelly’s excellent article at the Palestine Chronicle about some of these good kids and their dedication to, among other worthy people, dear little Hind Rajab.

I wrote about little Hind several times. In fact, she figured into a short story I wrote. Rather, it was one I had Pericles write within another story. Again, sensing sad reality, I just couldn’t do it directly; and he could barely pull if off. The story entertained the fantastical, impossible idea of a risen, modern CSA riding to the rescue of Palestine the way no real nation-state will do in real life. Yet in reality, the best the fallen Rebels could do was make monkey noises at a Black woman. Strike that – they bested their best by defending fools and inexplicably positing themselves into the situation as the true victims. I’ve been around a while, but this is one of the most wicked, retarded, and mentally ill episodes I’ve ever seen or even imagined.

Now I’m told I have ruffled some of the bowties of Dixie, Inc. via my anti-satanic siding with humanity. Good! Repent, you delusion idiots. Our little princess Hind held more grace and value in her pinky than all of you who have ever lived.

Happy Mother’s Day



Hopefully, it is a great one, celebrating the most important occupation any woman can have.

Here’s a video tribute to the way mothers are celebrating this year in Gaza. It’s the one on the right. The one on the left is some fat retard telling lies. I’d put a graphic warning on it, but you’re complicit in this crime if you’re a Western woman or man.

Stop the Gazacaust.

COLUMN: Why They Protest


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Why They Protest


It’s 75 miles, door to door in a straight line, from the original Oby’s in Starkville to the upstart franchise location in Oxford. Add roughly another 25 miles to that for the drive, either up 45 or out 82. Do remember the speed limit if one takes to the road. And remember that Mississippi and America are still firmly under the control of satanic globalist clowns. 

Hard reality came calling a few days ago in Oxford. I didn’t know about the late hubbub at the University of Mississippi until I read about it after the fact. As usual, my take on matters is a little different than others one might read. Like it or not, want it or not, Mississippians, Americans, and everyone else is now involved in a genuine global conflict. This is not just a war of ideologies. It is primarily a war of Holy good versus demonic evil, a battle of Christians, Muslims, and our many allies against the forces of hell. More precisely, it’s the latest iteration of that long-running conflict. We win in the end, but getting there is the challenge. 

Vast swaths of the rest of the world are actively resisting and liberating themselves from the oppression of the satanists. There are, of course, exceptions where the contests are more difficult and where the outcomes appear more doubtful. These exceptions include Palestine and the former United States. The Palestinians are occupied by and being slaughtered by genocidal Zionists. Something similar if far less acute is happening to the residents of that strange nation-shaped kind of place between Mexico and Canada. A key difference is that most American problems are largely self-inflicted. Another point of contrast is that the Palestinians are fighting for their survival. Last October, I wrote (or had Pericles discuss with Julia):

‘…But my point is that when Hamas was given the chance or when they sensed weakness, they were ready. And they pulled off something amazing, even if only for a day or two. Something almost completely unheard of, almost unimaginable.’

‘Do you think they’ve been set up?’ she asked. ‘And do you suppose they knew or suspected that was the case and decided to press their luck?’

‘The former, perhaps. The latter, most likely.’ He thought for a moment and continued: ‘As for their luck, they really have nothing to lose.’

Perry’s notions are remarkably similar to those of Professor Khaled AL-Hroub of Northwestern University, Qatar, who observed, “One million children were fated to rot in Gaza prison camp, with death their only deliverance. And so, on October 7, Hamas rolled the dice.” This quote is from his chapter, “Nothing Fails Like Success: Hamas and the Gaza Explosion,” page 153 of Deluge: Gaza And Israel From Crisis To Cataclysm, 2024, Jamie Stern-Weiner, et al. I’m just getting into the book though I already highly recommend it. It is another truth bomb, and when scores of thousands of innocent people are being exterminated, the truth matters more than ever. 

While the Palestinians resolutely resist their destruction (in Arabic the word for perseverance is “sumud”), and while too many Americans insouciantly accept theirs, a few of the latter are bravely standing in solidarity with the former. This phenomenon has largely taken the form of so many student anti-satanic, anti-genocide protests at American colleges. Yes, as with most movements in postmodern America, there has been a level of infiltration in this one by outside actors. In addition to the usual NGO, state police, FBI, and NSA intrusion, there’s also allegedly participation by the CIA, Mossad, and Unit 504 of the IGF (Israeli Genocide Force). All of them are working on both sides, but the great bulk of the money, ISR, and paramilitary concentration is devoted to the pro-genocide, pro-satanic side. The underlying sentiment driving our good kids is organic. They care and they’re doing what they can. It appears too many people don’t care, and given their plights, their indifference is somewhat understandable. However, those who take the other side or who selfishly, myopically try to warp the situation into something else are directly or indirectly siding with the devil. One need not like everything about the protests, but one should try to appreciate them. Fifty thousand poor people have been murdered, eighty thousand wounded, perhaps a million face famine, and close to two million are homeless. Rev. Munther Isaac of Bethlehem keeps repeating, “Gaza is the moral compass of the world today.” Our young protesters face the true north.

In that spirit, I’d like to praise the high points of the Ole Miss protests. Around thirty young people with kind hearts came out to plead the case for Palestinian justice. With them came Jaylin Smith, a 24-year-old journalism graduate student. She’s the lovely young Black woman who stood against the unruly mob that showed up to taunt and counterprotest. Ms. Smith exhibited heightened communication skills and bravery, important assets for any journalist, along with strong leadership qualities. Good show, Ma’am. She’ll no doubt be a great addition to the industry. And that industry is currently under heavy literal fire. The Zionists occupying Palestine, the ones cheered on by so many hooligans, politicians, and satanists, have killed more reporters during their genocide of the Palestinians than anyone else in recorded history. In fact, even by the end of last year, the Gazacaust was already the deadliest conflict for reporters ever. Along with women, children, Churches, Mosques, schools, hospitals, and food supplies, the Zionists are intentionally targeting the press in an effort to silence the truth.

The administrator, the tall man in the vest, is also to be praised. He, his coworkers, and the University police did a very good job of keeping order and they evidently prevented a real riot from breaking out. Their actions helped form the difference between this protest and the ones in Georgia, Virginia, New York, New Hampshire, California, and elsewhere. No arrests were made, and, unlike at the other schools, no militarized police beat down students using SS tactics on orders from luciferian sociopaths. That made me proud to be from Mississippi.

Those counter-protesting on the other side embrace sheer evil. Some do it because they are ignorant, stupid even. Some are being misled. Yet others have dark malice in their hearts. To defend any of them is reprehensible and self-defeating. The fact that speaking out against genocide is controversial says something about America, something very troubling. It’s worse that we’re told protesting this genocide is an attack on America. Then again, maybe that’s a form of admission about America’s role in this atrocity. America arms and funds the IGF genocide. America brutally suppresses dissent. This suppression goes beyond opposing humanity; it is a series of violent acts against Jesus Christ and God the Father. The US House of Representatives just voted 320-91 to make reading the New Testament illegal. Check and see how one’s pet rodent voted. If it wasn’t a “nay,” then one probably has a severe problem. But this kind of legislation is to be sadly expected in a place like the US, a metaphysically disturbed country.

Two months ago, I had Pericles—who still has no last name—pen a little story for me about a rebuilt CSA defending human life and dignity by protecting the helpless Gazans from genocidal insanity. I just couldn’t present the fiction directly, and my character could barely do it by way of a story within a story. His doubts, naturally, were my own. For his part, he’ll work through it. With Julia’s help, no doubt. They’ll have to for reasons I’ll reveal later. In his fictional Moscow, Pericles rounded things out with the last lines of a real poem by Canadian journalist Paul Salvatori, We are Not as Strong as Palestinian Children:

“We don’t know the suffering,

And we don’t know how to suffer

Without making it about us.”

We in America and the West really grapple with making everything about us, perhaps an homage to or admission of the solipsistic, atomized liberal worldview of man that Professor Dugin, Nikolai Gogol, and others warn about. Let’s try to stop that. I ended Pericles’s story about Gaza with the words, “DO SOMETHING.” The students in Oxford and at the other schools are doing something. They are struggling against injustice. As Rev. Isaac observed, “To be in places of struggle against injustice is to be where God is present.”

Deo vindice.

A New Cause for Babbling


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Cable news watching dumbshits should find out this GAE soldier’s name.

He had been stationed in South Korea and traveled to Russia on his own and not on official business, according to four U.S. officials.

The soldier is accused of stealing from a woman, the officials said.

They should learn his name so they can stupidly bleat it out while wringing their hands the way they do over the CIA assets and spies Gershkovich and Whelan. “Ooooooh, poor [Soldier X]. Putin is so crazy. All Russians are communists, their weather is awful, and their women are bitches – let me tell you about the one I knew that time waaay back when I was young, it was the summer of love, and can’t we just talk about how I feel now??” GAE soldiers have a history or stealing: land from Indians, nationhood from Confederates, art from Iraq, oil from Syria, and lives from everywhere. This case should be no surprise.

Politician to Preacher



With his presidency set to expire in two weeks and his country in ruins, Green Man Ze is evidently transitioning to a religious life, becoming a fake Christian instead of a fake Jew. He’s even ditched his patented green sweatshirt!

As Orthodox Christians celebrated Easter on Sunday, Zelensky released a video address from Kiev’s Saint Sophia Cathedral, in which he accused Russia of “breaking all the commandments.”

“The world sees it, God knows it,” he said. “And we believe God has a chevron with the Ukrainian flag on his shoulder. So, with such an ally, life will definitely win over death.”

The former president, gay comedian, and wanted war criminal then began violently speaking in tongues – of course, without the requisite translations – only pausing to “play the piano” while yelling, “More money! Give more money! I buy houses. Money. More. More money!” While he carried on, the lone congregant, an 88 year old widow in a wheelchair, was forcibly conscripted into the army by SBU officers.

He’ll be lucky if he’s arrested after 5/21.