COLUMN: A Narrative Fails In And Around A Persian Bookstore


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A Narrative Fails In And Around A Persian Bookstore


Friends, I have one heckuva book review coming! It’s about a titanic two-volume history work of critical international importance. Learn more about this must-read material and its learned author soon.

In the meanwhile, today, I was going to style this column, “The Self-Immolation Of America.” For reasons. Some of them were recently handled well by Greg Cook at Crisis. Please read that. It was also driven by a reply to a rare comment I left last fall on the Москва и москвичи YouTube channel. For my explanation of how globalist clowns ruined Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and America, I got 850+ “likes” and 52 replies. Most were of the <<Спасибо, брат!>> variety. But one came in lately that kind of stung: <<Эх вы американцы…ПОЗОР вам и вашему правительству!!!!!!!!!!!>> Or, “Oh, you Americans… SHAME on you and your government!!!!!!!!!!!” You know it’s bad when there are more than three exclamation points. There’s really no good come-back for that. I don’t feel personal shame as I’ve spent decades fighting the decline. As for my people, I feel a degree of pity. What Aaron Bushnell and Maxwell Azzarello did literally, the bulk of Americans have done, or allowed figuratively. A mess, writ large. For the government, and what lurks behind it, the feeling is nothing but white-hot hatred. But I understand the general disdain from many in the outside world.

Then somewhere along the way, a couple of ideas converged around Isfahan, Iran, the city that was the inspiration for Duke Ellington’s classic 1967 piece of the same name. A few days ago, Mossad agents inside Iran launched what might be the most feeble retaliatory strike in history, a couple of toy drones deployed against an S-300 battery outside Isfahan. There was no damage, Iran laughed it off, and even Ben “Genocide G” Gvir called it “lame”. (Ouch.) Pepe Escobar, whom I admire immensely, posted a theory about a thwarted EMP attack. While I’m open to the possibility, I just don’t, as of yet, and with the information provided, see it as plausible. I have numerous technical, mathematical, and altitude concerns. However, if it did happen as reported, then it’s the most important story virtually no one is talking about. There’s more, of course, but what does it matter at the moment?

Independently, I’d just read something at IRNA about Isfahan and its Yara Bookhouse. The store’s owner, Mohammad Reza Vaez Shahrestani, is concerned about the undercutting of small bookstores by bigger outlets and societal trends. Luckily, he appears to have a solution. I also looked into him, and he’s very interesting, a PhD philosopher and educator. Kindly entertain the mind with his summary of Iranian poet Forough Farrokhzad’s Existentialist Lifeworld

I sincerely doubt Yara was Mossad’s target. However, we know the IGF (Israeli Genocide Force) routinely bombs bookstores as part of its ethnic cleansing operation in Gaza. This all got me thinking in socio-comparative terms. Westerners in general, and Americans in hard particular, are told amazingly stupid and wicked lies about Iran. So I decided to use Yara and greater Isfahan to fight back.

Some very few of you saw a rough outline of the following in an email from me. All others, remember that among the lies, we’re essentially told that Iranians = Muslims = terrorists = bad. And honestly, we, in our dying cesspool nations, are supposed to look down on Persia. “Books?! Y’all no them thar Iranis cain’t reed!

Lemme show you a few pictures from Yara. Real dumb primitives, these Iranian “terrorists.”

(Google Maps.)


Does your ‘Murican town have such a bookstore? Does it have any bookstores? (Mine does not!)

Amerika, the GAE, is a bright, shining bastion of freedom and democracy. Usury tempered with sodomy, etc. In the GAE, dope n’ wine moms take their little sons to libraries and yankee military bases to be victimized and molested by sodomite freaks in gaudy dresses and whore makeup. You know, the way it should be in our continent-spanning Sodom and Gomorrah? USA! USA! U-ess-eh… But, in unholy, unenlightened, and backward Iran, mothers take their sons to Yara for philosophy classes.

(Mo’ Google.)

She (and I bet she’s pretty) only rated the food a “2” but that’s neither here nor there. Dr. Shahrestani runs this fine program, one that might be worth reading about and maybe even replicating where possible. 

(Not Googly.)

As for Iran in general, the MSM, airhead pundits, and so many political rodents tell us horrific tall tales about Iran. Squeaker of the House, Mikey Johnson (R-hell), says Iran is part of the new “Axis of Evil” along with Russia and China. I remind one and all that, statistically insignificant outlier exceptions aside, there are only two kinds of Republicans. Their two primary archetypes frequently overlap, say, when projecting about an axis of evil. That faux axis appears the opposite of evil, as noted recently by Russia’s Mufti Anar Ramazanov, in an interview with IRNA: “Russian Muslims and Christians are now fighting together against the forces of Satan…” The people fighting for the other side keep telling us lies, such as that Iran is a religiously intolerant country. That, I suppose, is why Yara is virtually surrounded by Churches. Yara’s the little dot on Dr. Shariati St., bottom-right, on the following map.


Iran is a majority Shia Islamic society, but all those Churches have been there for centuries providing spiritual homes for a variety of Christians. Isfahan also has several Synagogues for the city’s Jewish community, some parts of which have been present in Persia for twenty-five centuries. I may be mistaken, but one would think if Iran was so intolerant, then these communities might have packed up and left some time ago. One would also wonder why religious minorities have a number of dedicated seats in Tehran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly (aka, Parliament). One might also call into question the honesty of people like Mikey Johnson (R-hell), but let’s keep moving.

The “Metro Station” shown on the map, not far from the dot, must be, as our clown masters would have us believe, some kind of third-world dump, probably a dump where the trains are pulled by camels. In fact, they’d probably insist Iran has no trains, subways, electricity, or any reason for existing outside of making trouble for ‘Murica and the Zionists. But, to make sure, let’s take a look inside, and— Hark! What’s this?!


For reference, Isfahan is Iran’s third largest city. The GAE’s equivalent is Chicago. Giving our clowns their due, it appears these Persian losers can’t even employ bums to attack people and urinate on the platform as they do in the Windy City. Take that, Iran!

That’s enough for now. I think we’ve been lied to yet again. We can be ashamed, angry, or sad, but the ruinous, dyscivilizational, and dehumanizing process our pet liars keep us living in won’t end until we end it. Start by turning off the lie machines. Maybe throw a book at the liars. Let’s start to get their existential evil out of our lifeworld.

Deo vindice.

Allies on the Right Side of the Front


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Russia’s Mufti Anar Ramazanov is not baffled by the nonsense about democracy, communism, left v right, or any of it. He plainly sees what’s going on and so describes it to Iranian state news:

 رمضانوف اظهار داشت: مسلمانان و مسیحیان روسیه اکنون با هم علیه نیروهای شیطان


“Russian Muslims and Christians are now fighting together against the forces of Satan…”

Guess which side ‘Murica, NATO, and the Zionists are on.

Wishing Us Well

Evidently, there’s a civil war movie out now. I don’t care anything about it. In fact, I’m not terribly concerned about the real version as it unfolds around me. No one knows exactly what is happening or how it will turn out. But something is afoot. Dmitry Medvedev sees it and, given the circumstances, hopes it speeds along.

«В том, что американские законодатели одобрят «помощь» банде неонацистов, никто не сомневался», – написал Медведев в своем Telegram-канале.

Он также выразил уверенность в победе России, несмотря на выделение США значительных средств на военную помощь Украине.

Медведев отметил, что данное решение является русофобским и пожелал США скорейшего погружения в новую гражданскую войну, которая приведет к распаду страны.


‘That American lawmakers will approve of help for a gang of neo-Nazis, no one doubted’, – Medvedev wrote in his Telegram channel.

He also expressed confidence in the victory of Russia, despite the allocation of significant funds by the United States for military assistance to Ukraine.

Medvedev noted that this decision is Russophobic and wished the United States an early plunge into a new civil war, which will lead to the collapse of the country.

Yes, there is that. Have fun this November, but you’re not voting your way out anymore.

Fake Rome, Real Decline and Fall


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America was a grand experiment, no doubt about it. But it has comprehensively failed and it is ending. Now. And nothing will stop the ending process. Eric Zuesse has an interesting take on the existing divide between the failing GAE and the rest of the world.

It’s not only that America’s GDP has, for the past 25 years, increased 181% while the world’s has increased 218%, and Russia’s has increased 730%, and China’s has increased 1,644%.

The counter to that’s representing an absolute U.S. decline might be “But, still, America’s GDP went up 181%, not down, during the past 25 years.” That’s not actually the case, however, because what one actually sees when traveling throughout the country during that time-period is clearly decline, increasing percentages of boarded-up and abandoned buildings, and also because all of that 181% growth went to only the wealthiest 5% of the population, who, in 2001 had owned 59.2% of the privately held wealth in America, and increased that percentage so that they owned 66.4% of the privately held wealth in the U.S. in 2019 (see p. 48 here), while the bottom 80%, who in 2001 owned 15.6%, owned only 11.1% of it in 2019.

Add to all that, and read the whole thing, Vox’s observation of some late-stage flailing by the clowns, and it’s a seemingly grim picture.

Keep three things in mind here. First, Russia has a similar amount in European funds frozen that it will seize in return if the Russian funds are stolen, as well as considerably more foreign assets that can be easily nationalized. As with the previous sanctions, this act will strengthen the Russian economy at the expense of the European economies.

Second, China is already being sanctioned and is the second-largest holder of US Treasury bonds, at $800 billion. This is 40 percent lower than it was 11 years ago and is a 14-year low. This is one reason why the USA has been unable to export inflation the way it used to, and if China were to follow Russia’s lead in dumping the dollar entirely, US inflation would probably double from where it is today. Since the BRICSIA nations are already in the process of developing their own trading currency, this is a very high probability event within the next three years and will probably precede the opening of the Asian front.

And third, the central banks are, quite literally, criminal organizations, as are most of the large multinational corporations. If criminals weren’t investing in US Treasury bonds, no one would be. Furthermore, the seizure of foreign assets without full compensation would obviously be nothing less than theft by the U.S. Congress.

I suspect there may be some serious unintended consequences for the global banking system if the bill actually becomes a law and is translated into action. Because how can anyone possibly trust their financial assets to a banking system so easily suborned to a government’s whims?

I say, “seemingly,” because it is bad and will get worse. But it now appears that the collapse itself is the solution. Not the best solution or the most likely. Just the solution, the only one possible. The great news is that in the future, once the dust settles and so many criminals and clowns have been executed, ordinary Americans can highly live freely and rightly again.

On the Zionist “EMP” Attack


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If any part of what Pepe Escobar reported is correct, then this suddenly becomes the biggest news story of the century. If it is all correct, then its one of the biggest stories in history. While I think the scenario is possible, I find it highly implausible. Larry Johnson’s excellent assessment here.

[Pepe E.]:

Israel initially chose to respond with extreme force.

An F-35 loaded with a nuclear bomb was sent east over Jordan.

The mission: cause a high-altitude detonation over Iran that would provoke a surge in the high-capacity power lines, crippling Iran’s electric grid, as well as disabling all electronic devices.

An EMP attack.


… As the Israeli F-35 was leaving Jordanian airspace it was shot down by the Russian Air Force.

Two substantial problems with this idea involve the rather subjective matter of potential Zionist nuclear capabilities and the extreme limitations of the named aircraft, especially given the supposed manner of attack. While this story is obviously developing, I’d imagine that no one wants any part of it, barring a total denial if it did not happen at all, coming out. If anything, even if a fictional thing, it is a reminder how close the world is teetering right now towards some very, very bad outcomes.

The New and Improved(!!!) “Axis of Evil”



The three countries that best represent the shameful evils of sodomy, usury, and genocide are the US, UK, and “Israel.” Oh, wait! No, this is an inverted axis from a retarded heathen. My “bad”.

“I believe [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] and [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil,” he continued. “I think they’re in coordination on this. I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he were allowed.”

Mike Johnson exemplifies both Republican archetypes and is exactly the squeaker of the house Amerikans deserve. I ask my Russian, Chinese, and Iranian friends to patiently and kindly look the other way while this pathetic brand of satanism fades to irrelevance and then forgotten history.

COLUMN: How Far From Starkville?


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How Far From Starkville?


Late last week, Iran changed the paradigm in the Middle East when it retaliated against the Zionist Entity occupying Palestine for an earlier Zionist strike against an Iranian consulate in Syria and many other previous provocations. Using hundreds of drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles, launched in sequences to ensure they all arrived at roughly the same time, Iran accomplished several things. It tested and overwhelmed Zionist air defense capabilities. It demonstrated it can conduct powerful, precise operations at a great distance. It evidently tested new hypersonic glide vehicle technology, something similar to Russia’s Avangard weapon, if slower, smaller, and far less lethal. Iran partially eliminated assets of the IGF (Israeli Genocide Force) used during the Syrian attack. Those damaged targets include the IGF air bases at Ramon and Nevatim, and allegedly, an intelligence and radar site near Golan, and the IGF air intelligence headquarters in Tel Aviv. 

Tehran’s retaliation looked very much like the kind of precision exclamation point response they delivered to the GAE in early 2020. Now as then, the Empire, the Zionists, and their media puppets spin the same lies and Hasbara: 99% of Iran’s missiles were intercepted, there was no damage, and there were no casualties. Iran notified all relevant parties so as to minimize civilian harm during their demonstration. A seven-year-old Bedouin girl was either killed or injured when she was struck by debris from a downed projectile. A tragedy, though she might be the only Bedouin the zionists and luciferian clowns have ever feigned concern for. As at the GAE’s al-Assad AB in 2020, moderate to substantial damage was inflicted on the IGF’s bases. And there was no stopping it despite ample, supposedly effective air defenses. 99% of the drones probably were shot down, and that is why they were deployed—as decoys. But it appears that two-thirds of the ballistic missiles hit their targets. 

Here’s a video of one such successful strike. It may be the first video evidence of a hypersonic warhead maneuvering to evade an air defense missile. If that was what happened, then Iran has joined Russia in a very rare and elite club.

(Larry Johnson, YT.)

The Zionists have vowed to retaliate, though where, when, and, most importantly, how remains to be seen. Iran has acknowledged this possibility, is by all accounts prepared for it, and has promised to repay if necessary. In short, Tehran sent a message to the Zionist occupiers that their days of running roughshod over the region are over. A similar message was conveyed to the Yankee Empire. *This is, of course, a fluid situation.*

The Global American Empire is at its end, being too stretched, too weak, and too opposed to continue dominating the entire world. I just read The Other Side Of The Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative Of Lament And Hope by Rev. Munther Isaac of Bethlehem (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2020). He’s the Lutheran Pastor Tucker Carlson recently interviewed and who has been speaking out against IGF violence and Western Christian indifference during the late Gazacaust. On page 64, he writes about empires:

In empires, human beings were numbers: a commodity! Moreover, empires were fully prepared to undertake violence on whatever scale was required for the success of extraction and commoditization. In other words, war was the official language of the empire—and it was often conducted in the name of spreading peace or making order.

Isaac’s is a book I highly recommend, and those words of his should sound rather familiar to Americans. On their watch and in their name, the GAE has committed atrocity after atrocity for decades. In the process, as it caused incalculable damage worldwide, it burned itself out and reduced Americans to mere numbers, increasingly impoverished and despondent numbers. It is now beginning to collapse, a process that will be followed by the eventual dissolution of the United States as it is currently organized. It will likely be a very messy happening, most painful for Americans, though it is a blessing for the world at large. As-is, in its death throes, the foreign elite controlling the GAE are frantically stirring as much trouble as they can, particularly in two major fronts of the existing global conflict, while planning a third major provocation and participating in many others of lesser character. None of this is of any benefit to the American people. 

I decided to map out how far away a few of these pointless conflicts are from Oby’s in Starkville, Mississippi. One can simply adjust the distances to where one lives.

Neither the Zionists nor the GAE can successfully wage war against Iran. The Zionists are already losing to the much less powerful foes of Hamas and Hezbollah. The GAE has for the past eight decades shown it cannot win, or really even fight a war against anyone. Tehran is 7,000 miles from Starkville. Jerusalem is 6,600 miles away, and Gaza is a hair less. And the Bab al-Mandab Strait at the southern entrance of the Red Sea is 8,000 miles out.

The Empire’s Ukrainian project is shaping up to be its worst defeat ever. For the rulers of the West, it was critical and its loss to Russia will have permanent consequences. Americans, who probably still couldn’t find Ukraine on a map, should know that Kharkiv, a city destined to fall and rejoin Mother Russia, is 5,800 away from all those hot po’ boys and cold beers.

As if running two losing offensives isn’t offensive enough, the lords of Washington, DC (Devil’s Coven) fantasize about a third loser against China. China, along with Russia and other BRICS+ countries, is already beating the brakes off the GAE economically and geopolitically. One supposes the neoclowns won’t be happy until Beijing adds a military component to the equation similar to Russia’s. Much of this silently has to do with keeping Japan and South Korea in the GAE’s orbit. But it’s popularly sold as a conflict over Taiwan. Taipei is almost 8,000 miles from Starkville.

At the moment, those measurements cover the major theaters. But there are many, many more: Serbia, Niger, Sudan, North Korea, Venezuela, etc. Add those future or unfolding disasters to the past list that includes Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and more. None of these misadventures helped or served Americans in any way. The lie was and is always the same—it’s all about America’s national interests. The lie comes in because there is no national interest, in the conflicts, or in general. There are no national values. No valid national government. No solvent national economy. As Paul Graham said, there isn’t even a national nation. 

There is one more major front. It’s the only one that truly matters to Americans. It’s America itself. Americans should see at least two distinct though related existential threats to themselves and their muddled polyglot association. Washington dismisses both threats, and in their place, and on strict behalf of the elites, substitutes the American people themselves.

The first threat, which may be the largest of its kind in history, is the ongoing foreign invasion of the former United States. At random, I selected the Nuevo Laredo border crossing along America’s non-existent border. That point in Texas is only 750 miles from Starkville. Unlike the foregoing places of comparison, the border is much closer. There are no oceans or impenetrable natural barriers separating it from Mississippi or any other state. In fact, potholes and faulty bridges aside, they’re all linked by superhighways, railways, and air routes. 

By sheer coincidence, Washington, Devil’s Coven is also only 750 miles away. New York City is approximately 950 miles from Starkville. I list those cities because they represent, more than any other places, the seats of the second extreme threat facing Americans, the capitals of the clown’s empire. Once the international operations collapse and cease, the elites will only have Americans left to bully, dehumanize, rob, and murder. They hate and have hated Americans more than any other adversary. They’re really going to want to vent their frustrations on their last viable targets. 

How far away from Starville is the true danger? It’s way too close for comfort. At some point, maybe after another rigged election and financial depression, Mississippians, Southerners, and other Americans will finally realize who their genuine enemy is and has been. None of the overseas conflicts concerned Americans, but Americans have nonetheless allowed themselves to become involved in them. In many ways, Americans are guilty of some of the shameful barbarities in those conflicts. That price will be paid and is already being felt at home. A silver lining is that the resistance in all those foreign lands may serve as both general inspiration and technical demonstration for Americans. Once they wake up. And once they do, the real prize is that their true enemies’ threat and power are largely illusory. The demons Americans suffer from turn out to be small, weak, rather stupid, and relatively few in number. 

For optimistic reference, the surface of the Sun is 93 million miles from Starkville. I suggest that would make an ideal, if implausible place to exile the elite enemy. I cannot calculate the distance from Starkville to hell. But that’s where the clowns are eventually going. None of their victims need to accompany them. Oby’s is zero miles from Oby’s. Once victory is achieved, it is the ideal place for a celebration.

Deo vindice.

Cursing Thee That Curse Thee


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Vox Day looks into Ron Unz’s recent work that partly featured Rev. Isaac of Bethlehem. In short, all the Judeo-“Christian” nonsense the Boomers and churchians preached is and always was a pack of idiotic lies.

It’s always fascinating to see how these verses are inverted to produce conclusions that are obviously and observably wicked. From the Galatians verse that can be more readily used to justify transgenderism than anti-racism and immigration to the various promises of blessings that have literally zero application to any modern political entity in the Middle East, Christians have been deceived by inversions and thereby found themselves endorsing pure and unmitigated evil.

The invasion and occupation of Gaza was not a response to the October 7th attacks. The destruction of the Christian churches and hospitals taking place there is not collateral damage. To the contrary, the green flag was planned and permitted by the Netanyahu administration – which funded Hamas to the tune of billions for over a decade – in order to provide an excuse to destroy the last remnants of Christianity in the Holy Lands.

The pagan religion practiced by those who would be more accurately named Canaanites is not at all what most modern Christians think it is. It never was, and it appears to be an aspect of the very Great Deceit that is described in the Bible as being capable of deceiving believers. And it is even darker and more destructive than most of its own adherents imagine; they endorse its Luciferian and Ahrimanic elements without understand that the Sorathic aspect of the Unholy Trinity is the dominant one that guides its ultimate end game.

“Christian” zionists are quick to remember Genesis 12:3. However, they do not recall, never read, or not trust Acts 3:25. Christians are Israel. By supporting the fake genocidal state of “Israel”, the churchians betray and curse themselves – to the extent they have any claim to Christianity. As such, it is no wonder that God fulfills His promises and curses the faithless deniers of Christ and Christ’s Church. At this point, the evidence is overwhelming.