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So, the “pandemic” is over?

The CDC’s COVID-19 prevention guidance will no longer differentiate by whether people are up-to-date on their vaccinations. Testing to screen for COVID-19 will no longer be recommended in most places for people who do not have COVID symptoms.

In other words: Jabbed or not does not matter. Never did, by the way, as Birx has admitted she knew before the jabbing started. She lied, the CDC lied, Brandon lied and Trump lied. They all lied. This was not an error it was intentional false claims that were made stating that “if you got jabbed you were a dead-end to the virus.” They all knew that was bullshit yet it was the entire premise behind both the urging and attempted mandates.

Two years ago, faster than warp speed, I tried to warn people. In comments deleted by TPC I was attacked as an agent of something or another. There was one troll in particular. I wonder if he’s still alive. JK, I don’t.