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The DOJ cracks down hard on celebrity parents bribing elite colleges to admit their children.

Fifty people, including Hollywood stars Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, were charged Tuesday in a scheme in which wealthy parents allegedly bribed college coaches and other insiders to get their children into some of the nation’s most elite schools.

Federal authorities called it the biggest college admissions scam ever prosecuted by the U.S. Justice Department, with the parents accused of paying an estimated $25 million in bribes.

“These parents are a catalog of wealth and privilege,” U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling said in announcing the results of an investigation code-named Operation Varsity Blues.

For every student admitted through fraud, an honest and genuinely talented student was rejected,” Lelling said.

Several defendants, including Huffman, were charged with conspiracy to commit fraud, punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Focus on this very true statement: “For every student admitted through fraud, an honest and genuinely talented student was rejected.”

How is this scam any different than that of affirmative discrimination, outside of the massive difference in scale. Genuinely talented students lose out by the thousands or the millions, year to year and generation to generation. Just replace “rich parents” and “sake of their children” with “the state” and “globalization.” Fraud is fraud, even in a conspiracy theory. Nice of someone to notice. May the sentiment and the action spread.

And, for what it’s worth, I’ll bet a dollar to a Yale diploma that most of the elites being charged here generally support the government’s insidious programs as well. The enemy’s consistency again.