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Now that this humble little weblog sails into its 13th year(!), I note something interesting. While it has never been, and probably never will be conventionally popular, the blog serves a purpose. I never really found an audience, at least not in the primarily English-reading world. There was a time when FP and the PPN brought in a decent amount of traffic. But I was always okay with being third tier, if that. So it is that my seeming popularity with the BRICS+ multipolar crowd has boggled my mind!

My essay on Edgar Allan Poe is arguably the most read thing I’ve ever written, translated now into five or six languages. My recent piece on the Petrodollar, as published at Geopolitika and Katehon, instantly accumulated more than 5,000 sets of English language eyes just as measured by Telegram nods alone. It quickly made its way into Italian thanks to “Ideas & Action“. A republication of that translation hits Geo in a day or two, and it also just ran in Turkish.

Pretty much all of these new articles for the international sovereign set gather, in a week, more views and reads than all posts here over an embarrassingly long time. My guess is that I’m 100X more popular outside the GAE homeland than within it. Many thanks to Leonid Savin, Alexander Dugin, and everyone out there who reads, likes, posts, and promotes my work. As we say, y’all are my people! I’m happy to be along for the ride in such fine company.

Thanks, again, and I’ll keep doing my part. Perhaps a multipolar novel ain’t too far away?? And as always, I have eternal love and appreciation for my long-term readers and/or tolerators here. -P