

It’s hard to believe, but this “highly respected web log” started on an insanely hot summer day 12 years ago. Hello, and happy anniversary.

Readers may have noticed a slight slowing in things here over the past few months. Look for that to continue. There are many times now when I feel like I’ve said it all, at least in English, and that I’m just phoning it in. I’ve never achieved any great commercial success or notoriety, which is a-okay as it was never expected. If I can recall, the height of daily traffic was around 2016 and the go-go FP days. Not too long ago, I learned my columns are radically more popular outside of the GAE, which also was not that surprising. Still, we’d had 6100+ postings, millions of words (some of them making sense), and zero changes to the original theme and layout. The more things change, the… Here’s to the next dozen! Etc.