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The Anglo-Zionists in control of the dying GAE want war with Russia, China, and everyone else. They’re stated the hot war with China will begin next year. China, unlike the GAE, is ready.

China is rapidly producing and deploying nuclear weapons:

According to the SIPRI report published on Sunday, the US and Russia are by far the largest nuclear powers, possessing nearly 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. However, China is “expanding its nuclear arsenal faster than any other country,” according to Hans M. Kristensen, associate senior fellow with SIPRI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Program. SIPRI’s findings indicate that Beijing’s nuclear arsenal grew from 410 to 500 warheads between January 2023 and January 2024.

The report concludes that “China could potentially have at least as many intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) as either Russia or the USA by the turn of the decade, although its stockpile of nuclear warheads is still expected to remain much smaller than the stockpiles of either of those two countries.”

China has much greater industrial capacity than either the US or Russia, so its stockpile of ICBMs and nuclear warheads will eventually surpass both. Also, the state of the US military’s nuclear weapons is unknown, but it is unlikely to be any better than the state of its conventional weapons.

“Your” leaders want war with 2 superpowers at the same time, when they can’t even keep their vaunted supercarriers safe from 3rd rate rockets. By their own admission, Yemen has pushed the US Navy harder than anyone since WW2.

The US’ naval campaign against Yemen has turned into the most intense combat the Navy has faced since World War II, according to US officials and experts speaking to the Associated Press, whose reporters recently visited US ships stationed off Yemen.

Speaking from aboard the USS Laboon, one of the guided-missile destroyers taking part in the campaign, AP reporter Jon Gambrell confirmed that Yemenis are launching near-daily attacks.

And if homemade variants of Fattahs and Scuds can damage the CVN-69, imagine what P800s and Zircons will do. The ‘Murican Boomer patriots are gonna need a lot of yellow ribbons on their FB spy pages.