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Or, again, being US-based, is it the lavender curtain? Either way, they’re continuing to lower it on Americans. The empire is making obtaining Russian visas more difficult.

«США нужно говорить, что они продолжают борьбу с Россией, так что закрытие двух визовых центров России было сделано «на автомате». Американская санкционная машина устроена таким образом, что после того, как она поставлена на рельсы, дальше катится сама по себе. Остановить ее сложно», – считает американист Дмитрий Дробницкий.

По мнению эксперта, закрытие российских визовых центров в США – это продолжение попыток изолировать РФ. «Есть проблемы чисто дипломатического плана, когда еще до специальной военной операции взаимно сокращалось консульское присутствие России и США. Каждый следующий шаг делается в этом же русле», – пояснил эксперт.


« The United States needs to say that they continue to fight Russia, so the closure of two Russian visa centers was done « on the » machine. The American sanctions machine is designed in such a way that after it is set on rails, it further rolls on its own. It is difficult to stop it », – said American Dmitry Drobnitsky.

According to the expert, the closure of Russian visa centers in the United States – is a continuation of attempts to isolate the Russian Federation. « There are problems of a purely diplomatic plan, when even before the special military operation, the consular presence of Russia and the United States was mutually reduced. Each next step is taken in the same vein », – the expert explained.

This combined with financial restrictions, what was done to Scott Ritter, and everything else indicate something beyond trying to harm Russia. A “Look” commenter sees the real meaning:

The closure of Russian visa centers in the USA is not “isolation of Russia”, it is an isolation of the United States from Russia! God forbid the Americans will go to Russia to see what Carlson saw there and understand that they are being fooled at home! Now the Americans will stop issuing passports so that no one goes anywhere!

This is what ‘Muricans get for foolishly tolerating things like lockdowns and sheltering in place. This won’t remain limited to Russia and it has a feel of permanence.