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Alexander Dugin writes of the 2024 US election at the Arktos Journal.

If Trump, despite everything, manages to win the presidential election in 2024, the relationship with the deep state will undoubtedly change. Realising the significance of his figure, the deep state will clearly try to establish a systematic relationship with him.

Most likely, the globalists behind the weak Biden will try to remove the strong Trump from the election and prevent him from becoming president at any cost. Any methods may be employed here: assassination, imprisonment, organising riots and protests, up to and including a coup or civil war. Or by the end of his term, Biden may start a third world war. This is also quite likely.

Since the globalists have significant support from the deep state, any of these scenarios could be put into action.

However, if we assume that the popular and populist Trump wins and becomes president, this will, of course, seriously affect global politics.

In a way, Dugin posits only Trump’s re-election can prevent a full-blown, hot, nuclear WW3 and total calamity for mankind. Not ever one to challenge Dugin, I will just say I hope he’s right. Read the whole thing. A few things about Trump jump out at me. He did embrace too many neoclowns, although, with a lingering benefit of the doubt perhaps he was keeping his enemies closer. But there was a coup, 2020-21, and Trump, perhaps lacking the ability to stop it, did not stop it. Hence, as Dugin notes, his returning to office will be difficult.

I suspect a (likely) Trump defeat won’t be the end of the world. While still dangerous, the GAE is fading internationally and collapsing domestically. And Russia, China, and BRICS+ have become too strong and dominate to tolerate future GAE clowning regardless of what the deep, dark state wants, says, or does.

This is a most interesting and optimistic article, so read it over.