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The zionist entity’s former field boss to the great satan fears the obvious consequences of potential zionist actions against Lebanon.

“I’ve read estimates of what Hezbollah could do to us in three days that are just horrendous,” Oren told FP. “You’re talking about knocking out all of our essential infrastructure, oil refineries, air bases, Dimona,” he added, referring to the site of Israel’s nuclear research facility.

On Tuesday, Hezbollah released drone footage of Israel’s Haifa Port, which is located 17 miles from the Lebanese border, in an attempt “to penetrate Israel’s air defenses and reach deep into the country,” the report noted.

For the FOZ News-watching tards, “Dimona” means the zionist’s (fake?) nuclear weapons program. I’ve heard from at least two semi-competent sources that the IGF (Israeli Genocide Force) is actively laying plans for an invasion of Lebanon. If that happens, then, for once, the genocide the work may be their own. If it happens, then your “Christian”-zionist friends are going to have a bad summer.