

The zionists’ plan for post-genocide Gaza leaked. And they’re pretty much what’s been rumored.

Documents published online lay out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s post-war vision for the Gaza Strip, known as “Gaza 2035,” the Jerusalem Post reported on 3 May.

The plan involves keeping Gaza under long-term Israeli security control, making major investments to rebuild the devastated enclave “from nothing” with Gulf assistance, turning Gaza into a regional trade and energy hub, and exploiting cheap Palestinian labor and natural gas for the benefit of Israeli business interests.

If they’re honest, then there won’t been any cheap labor among the Gazans, all of whom will have been driven away or slaughtered. One hopes this plan will fail like the rumored attempts to rebuild the Temple. One also hopes that by 2035 the US is dissolved, Palestinians have control of their country for once, and that Net-a-yahoo, his ilk, and his satanic GAE supporters have been dead for about 11 years. A lot to hope for, appropriate in the face of such an evil plan.